Dienstag, 13. November 2007

A great product to treat insomnia

Tossing and turning around in bed, looking at the ceiling, desperately trying to fall asleep...
Running for gallons coffee to make it through the day...
The hard mornings after a long night awake...

If that resembles you nightlife, read on!

A few month ago I had to take pills every day to fall asleep, until I finally found something which could me help getting over my insomnia.
After I read a few articles about how entering deep sleep was a skill which you could acquire by learning I searched the whole Internet for guides and tutorials about it. I spent much money buying products which claimed to cure nearly every person of insomnia, but none of it worked, until one day I found SleepTracks.

SleepTracks is different than most products and books you will find while looking for something to cure your insomnia. Unlike other programs you don't have to exercise or change your "sleeping" habits in order to succeed. The whole idea consists listening to special audio tracks, which will help you sleep better at night.
There are three different tracks included:

1. The first track is for listening during the day. It will calm down your brain activity (of course this will not affect your overall state of mind) and help you sleep faster at night.

2. This track will help you relax while trying to fall asleep, while progressively leading you into slower brainwaves, whick will make you sleep very fast.

3. The last track included in this product is for you to listen while you sleep. Many people wake up during the night, covered in sweat and having trouble going back to sleep. This CD totally got rid of this problem for me. I listened to it for just a few days and never ever woke up in the middle of the night again.

There is not much more I can say about this product, because I don't know exactly how this works, but what I do know is that it works! It works so good, I decided to write this little review, and help other people to treat insomnia, just like I did.

For more information visit the site of Sleeptrack:

>> Click here to treat insomnia now <<

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Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2007

Day 2 done

It was quite a challenge to find seven niches which could sell, but I finally found them.
We will see if they are at least a bit useful :)

The Podcasts and Video by Ed are extremly helpful in doing this stuff, I think I wouldn't participate if the tutorials were just plain text.

OK, bye for now

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Montag, 1. Oktober 2007

Day 1

I finished Day 1 really quickly, because I had done all the things he said in advance and I will just go to Day 2 now :)

Samstag, 29. September 2007


Ok, after all I'm starting my own Thirtydaychallenge in the next days.
I just finished reading and watching all the material that Ed provided us for the PreSeason. Unfortunately I found out about this project two month too late to participate in the original contest, so I will do an individual one, which I hope will finish with some profit ;)

Maybe one or two people out there will "Stumble Upon" this blog and eventually even comment on my progress. But mainly this blog was created to have a logbook for myself. While this blog continues I will keep you up to date about this project and give you all information about problems I face while doing this.

If some of you don't know what I'm blabbering about, you really should check out the Thirtydaychallenge (30DC).

Bye for now

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